The Sigh of Eels
滝戸ドリタによるうなぎの幼生レプトセファルスロボットの映像作品「冬の虹蜺 The Sigh of Eels」で、HATRAが衣装製作を行いました。

テクノロジーとアートで再構築する“海のあり方” ━━文化庁による文化発信プロジェクト<+A+|CULTURE GATE to JAPAN>を紐解く
Director,Editor : TAKIDO Dorita
Movie Supervisor : IWAGUCHI Tetsuya
Underwater scene Director Of Photography : IKEYA tomohide
2nd Camera : HOSHINO Kosaku
Technical Assistant : KAWASE Keiju(TAIL)
Still Photographer & Assistant : TANITSU Sho
Underwater Assistant: NAKAMURA Ayuko,HIGUCHI Ryohei
Lighting Assistant: OHYAGI Leo,UCHIDA Chitose,OTA Tsugumi
Underwater Model : IIJIMA Ayako
Production : IIJIMA sayaka
Drone : WATANABE Akio
Costume: HATRA
Robot Design,Development : TAKIDO Dorita
Electronics Tutor:YOSHIDA Tomofumi(of Sheep inc.)
Robotics technical support: NIIYAMA Ryumaけい
Electronics Supervisor: SAITA Kazuki(Kinoshita laboratory)
Music : TOKUSASHI Kengo
Eel provided by : A Zero inc.
Eel ear stone picking support : Ashley Rinka Smith
Special Thanks : Shiryu Kirie
photo by IKEYA Tomohide, TANITSU Sho